yellow sunflowers in garden

Welcome to the Farmette

A Farmette in Bloom encompasses my feminine farm life where my creativity blooms into beautiful things with my flowers, my food, and my home. I manage a small cut flower farm, as well as planting flowers everywhere around the house and in the garden. I love being able to make meals that were completely from homegrown products, as well as some homemade baked goods from scratch. When I’m not in the garden or kitchen, I love creating beauty with my sewing, craft, and woodshop projects. Other times I’m enjoying a good book or creating my own piece of literature.

Creating a beautiful farm life in the Western PA

Farmette in Bloom, Peony and Fern June Flower Bouquet

Flower Garden

I grew up as a Bloom with blooms at my grandma’s and my mom’s gardens. At my own country home, I plant flowers in beds, containers, and the vegetable garden, starting from seeds or transplants.

My love for flowers has grown from reserving flowers to bloom outdoors to cutting stems for arrangements to beautify the inside of my home.

More About The Flower Garden

Homegrown Food

I use ingredients from the garden, hunted wild game, and local or homegrown meats for an assortment of meals and recipes.

Eating healthy is great. But, eating homemade and homegrown food takes it to the next level of a nourishing plate.

More About Homegrown Food

Late Dutch Cabbage in Garden
Man in Charcoal Suit Jacket and Woman in White and Blue Dress

Homemaking Arts

When I’m not outside in the garden, I’m enjoying beauty in my home. From sewing and cross-stitching to building projects with my husband, I love it all.

Making handmade projects is a way to relax and refresh, while creating something beautiful.


Farmhouse Bookshelf

Books build my farmette from the classics to the how-tos for sewing and gardening. I wouldn’t have learned new things without their inspiration and directions to build my own skill sets.

I love creating my own writing pieces including reflections on farm life and small creative works.


books and flowers

Latest Creativity from the Farmette

cut flower

How to Start Feverfew Seeds: Growing Feverfew from Seed

Feverfew seeds develop into stellar filler flowers for bouquets. The clusters of petite, daisy-like flowers form an overall disk shape. Different varieties produce different florets. One variety may be the combination of daisies with chamomile, while other variety is all…

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How to Start Rudbeckia Seeds

Rudbeckia seeds transform into a beautiful flower for the cutting garden or the flower bed. They’re easy to start indoors, but they are also great to save seeds from or spread their seeds in the fall for next year’s blooms….

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How to Start Marigold Seeds

Starting marigold seeds indoors is an easy way to produce massive quantities of these beautiful flowers. Marigolds were the first flower seed I started from seed. As backyard chickens are the gateway to homesteading, marigold seeds are the gateway to…

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yellow sunflowers

Lemonade Sunflower Bouquet

Sunflowers are so fun. They bring the bees, turn towards the light, and grow so easy from seed. The orange hued petals are most common, but one of my favorites is the lemonade sunflower series. They’re huge and doubled petal….

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bouquet of flowers

Shades of Berry Bouquet

With lily season winding down and summer stems starting in their peak season, while I walked the flower garden, I continued to see shades of pinks and hues of purple. I love color combinations, but sometimes it takes a gradient…

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sunflower bouquet

Buttercream Summer Bouquet

Walking through my flower garden, I harvested every flower with any touch of yellow, and maybe some white. I thought I could make a bouquet with every yellow flowers I grew, but I couldn’t. I had WAY too many flowers…

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flowers on table

Tips on Hosting Bouquet Bars

Over the past season, I tried bouquet bars in multiple locations. Bouquet bars are where the flower farmer harvests all the flowers, then offers the flowers for customers to browse through to build their own bouquets. I hosted mine at…

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flowers in a bouquet

Beginnings of a Flower Season

Mid-June brings on a new wave, a new flower season, of posies after the irises in late May and the peonies in early June for our PA mountain climate. When planting cool flowers in early April and warm-season flowers in…

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flowers, tractor, in farm field

Farmhouse Hydrangea Bouquet

Visits to my mom’s family farm always entails my first task- discover the flowers; browse the hydrangea bushes. My flower farming journey wouldn’t have happened without my years helping my brothers with the haymaking operation and the large garden, but…

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