March 2023

Orange Pheasant & Rice

orange pheasant and rice

I absolutely love pheasant breast meat. I’ve never hunted pheasant before, but my husband loves hunting them. Many hunters will hunt with dogs to chase them out of the grasses or to retrieve them from the fields. We don’t have a hunting dog; if we did, as much as my husband would train it, I …

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Starting Snapdragons Indoors

snapdragons under grow light

Snapdragons are started very early with tiny seeds. When I tried to grow these seeds my first year, I had no idea how successful they would be or not. After starting snapdragons, growing, and harvesting for my first season, I find them entirely easy to start and grow and they are my absolute favorite for …

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Caring for Seedlings Indoors

seedlings under grow lights

Seed starting itself is not hard, per se. Plant seeds. Provide light or darkness with heat and humidity. Move on if the seeds don’t germinate. Caring for seedlings indoors, newly germinated, is a new ball game. It is a part of seed starting- the baby step after starting the seeds. Don’t miss out on learning …

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Gardening: A Way of Life

homestead and garden life

I came across a meme that fits exactly into my train of thoughts. “Gardening isn’t just a hobby – it’s a way of life that will change you forever!” Absolutely agree! Defining “Hobby” With a simple Google search of “hobby definition,” the first result is from the Oxford Language stating a hobby is “an activity …

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