Author name: farmetteinbloom

Raising Baby Chicks

Baby Chicks in Warm Brooder Box

Wanting to have a flock of chickens for eggs or to raise some meat birds for some homegrown meals starts with raising baby chicks. Sometimes, you can find locally birds that are grown by a few weeks, or ones that people bought chickens, but then realized it is not for them. We bought adult birds …

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Vacuum Sealing Beef

Steak almost done sealing

I love having an abundance of meat in our freezer. The food is prepped, ready to be thawed, and used. I don’t need to take a trip to the store or local butcher shop to buy the meat for the week. The day before, I brainstorm what I would like to make and eat, and …

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Planting Bare Root Apple Trees

four new apple trees

At my family’s farm, it originally had a huge orchard. Some of those trees still exist and provide an abundance to fruit every season from the transparent apples for applesauce to the fall September apples for pies, cakes, and just an everyday snack. My husband’s family loves their apples too. Every fall they gather up …

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Orange Pheasant & Rice

orange pheasant and rice

I absolutely love pheasant breast meat. I’ve never hunted pheasant before, but my husband loves hunting them. Many hunters will hunt with dogs to chase them out of the grasses or to retrieve them from the fields. We don’t have a hunting dog; if we did, as much as my husband would train it, I …

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